How it works

Easily finding packaging projects. packitperfect helps you to find new projects in the field of equipment and line acquisition.

packitperfect is a worldwide unique tender portal with a focus on equipment and line acquisition. Benefit from the advantages of our portal directly for your business. Obtain tenders from reputable companies that are carefully prepared and certified by our engineers.
Reduce costly pre-sales activities and increase the efficiency of your sales staff. With packitperfect you will receive the requests that exactly fit your company’s portfolio. In order to meet our high standards of quality and production reliability, we only admit the best suppliers in our system. The selection phase has already started.

How does packitperfect work?

What does packitperfect cost?

packitperfect is a neutral market place that enables suppliers and consumers to conduct business smoothly and stress-free.
One-time admission fee: € 2000,-
Receiving brief tenders by email: free of charge
Buying detailed tenders: € 200,- each
Tip commission on contract award: 2,5 %

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